Softball season wrap-up
Well tonight is the last Stuck in North Idaho softball game. Hard to believe the season is already over. As much fun as it's been playing with our friends and getting creamed by the rest of the city teams (sorry, just a little sarcasm there), I have to admit I'm a little excited to have my Wednesday nights back. Looking forward to hitting up the downtown farmer's market and concerts.
Even though we've only won one game, I am so proud of our team and genuinely enjoyed playing this season. Through the losing, heat and lack of fans I think we've become stronger. So to all you teams that kicked out ass so bad that the game was called by the fourth, fifth or sixth inning:Watch out, we're coming for you next year.Tonight's game is at Ramsey Field 5 at 6:15. We could really use a cheering section so I hope to see you all there!Gooooo team!Andy